
Monday, November 29, 2010


Before I just leap into posting some of the things that I have been up to over the past months, this deserves some sort of introduction. I'll try to keep it short and sweet - there are few things that I dislike more than self-obsessed people who put up a blog with vain delusions of becoming an Internet celebrity, and I do not intend to become one of them. Here goes.

I'm 25 years old, I live in Panama City, Florida, and I build robots for the Navy. I am a civilian employee of the Department of Defense in the Navy, and one of the benefits of the job is that occasionally, and only occasionally, I get to work with our "clients," also known as the warfighter. Other times, I work with researchers or contractors around the world, and that can sometimes involve travel.

"Building robots" in the Navy can most often be translated "programming," at least right now, which means that I spend most days in a cubicle bathed in the light from a few fluorescent lights and three LCD monitors. Problem is that I want to be an active person - I want to hunt and backpack and camp and have adventures. So from time to time, I will take off for some location on my own to test myself against God's Creation and return exhausted, renewed, and refreshed.

I am a conservative Christian, and everything that I see in the world is colored by that viewpoint. I have been blessed with enough patient and thoughtful friends that I can respect many other ideas and thoughts, but I am thoroughly convinced of the truth of my own, and this blog will reflect that. I don't ask that you agree, but I'm not trying to start political or ideological debates here. No such online discussions are ever fruitful.

What I can share, I will here. Adventures replete with stunning landscapes, reflections and retellings of trials and challenges overcome, humbled reminiscences of defeats, and musings on what it all means, if anything. Enjoy it for what it is - the thoughts and stories of just another young man trying to make his place and make sense of it all.

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